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Node base file#

The node base file contains the core code of your node. All nodes must have a base file. The contents of this file are different depending on whether you're building a declarative-style or programmatic-style node. For guidance on which style to use, refer to Choose your node building approach.

These documents give short code snippets to help understand the code structure and concepts. For full walk-throughs of building a node, including real-world code examples, refer to Build a declarative-style node or Build a programmatic-style node.

You can also explore the n8n-nodes-starter and n8n's own nodes for a wider range of examples. The starter contains basic examples that you can build on. The n8n Mattermost node is a good example of a more complex programmatic-style node, including versioning.

For all nodes, refer to the:

For declarative-style nodes, refer to the:

For programmatic-style nodes, refer to the: