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S3 credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create an account on an S3-compatible server. Use the S3 node for generic or non-AWS S3 like:

Supported authentication methods#

  • S3 endpoint

Refer to your S3-compatible provider's documentation for more information on the services. For example, refer to Wasabi's REST API documentation or Digital Ocean's Spaces API Reference Documentation.

Using S3 endpoint#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An S3 Endpoint: Enter the URL endpoint for the S3 storage backend.
  • A Region: Enter the region for your S3 storage. Some providers call this the "region slug."
  • An Access Key ID: Enter the S3 access key your S3 provider uses to access the bucket or space. Some providers call this API keys.
  • A Secret Access Key: Enter the secret access key for the Access Key ID.
  • Force Path Style: When turned on, the connection uses path-style addressing for buckets.
  • Ignore SSL Issues: When turned on, n8n will connect even if SSL certificate validation fails.

Refer to your S3-compatible provider's documentation for more information.