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Rename Keys#

Use the Rename Keys node to rename the keys of a key-value pair in n8n.

Node parameters#

You can rename one or multiple keys using the Rename Keys node. Select the Add new key button to rename a key.

For each key, enter the:

  • Current Key Name: The current name of the key you want to rename.
  • New Key Name: The new name you want to assign to the key.

Node options#

Choose whether to use a Regex regular expression to identify keys to rename. To use this option, you must also enter:

  • The Regular Expression you'd like to use.
  • Replace With: Enter the new name you want to assign to the key(s) that match the Regular Expression.
  • You can also choose these Regex-specific options:
    • Case Insensitive: Set whether the regular expression should match case (turned off) or be case insensitive (turned on).
    • Max Depth: Enter the maximum depth to replace keys, using -1 for unlimited and 0 for top-level only.

Regex impacts

Using a regular expression can affect any keys that match the expression, including keys you've already renamed.

Templates and examples#

Create Salesforce accounts based on Google Sheets data

by Tom

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Create Salesforce accounts based on Excel 365 data

by Tom

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Create Salesforce accounts based on Excel File data

by Tom

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