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NocoDB credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Install NocoDB.

Supported authentication methods#

  • API token
  • User auth token

User auth token deprecation

NocoDB deprecated user auth tokens in v0.205.1. Use API tokens instead.

Refer to NocoDB's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using API token#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An API Token: Generate an API token in Account Settings > Tokens. Refer to the NocoDB API Tokens documentation for more detailed instructions.
  • Your database Host: The host of your NocoDB instance, for example http://localhost:8080.

Using user auth token#

User auth token is a temporary token designed for quick experiments with the API. These tokens are valid for a session until the user logs out or for 10 hours and have been deprecated by NocoDB.

User auth token deprecation

NocoDB deprecated user auth tokens in v0.205.1. Use API tokens instead.

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A User Token: Generate a user auth token from the user menu > Copy Auth token. Refer to the NocoDB Auth Tokens documentation for more detailed instructions. Enter that auth token as the User Token in n8n.
  • Your database Host: The host of your NocoDB instance, for example http://localhost:8080.