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Zoho credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create a Zoho account.

Supported authentication methods#

  • OAuth2

Refer to Zoho's CRM API documentation for more information about the service.

Using OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An Access Token URL: Zoho provides region-specific access token URLs. Select the region that best fits your Zoho data center:
    • AU: Select this option for Australia data center.
    • CN: Select this option for Canada data center.
    • EU: Select this option for the European Union data center.
    • IN: Select this option for the India data center.
    • US: Select this option for the United States data center.

Refer to Multi DC for more information about selecting a data center.

Note for n8n Cloud users

Cloud users don't need to provide connection details. Select Connect my account to connect through your browser.

If you need to configure OAuth2 from scratch, register an application with Zoho.

Use these settings for your application:

  • Select Server-based Applications as the Client Type.
  • Copy the OAuth Callback URL from n8n and enter it in the Zoho Authorized Redirect URIs field.
  • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the application and enter them in your n8n credential.