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LinkedIn credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Supported authentication methods#

  • Community Management OAuth2: Use this method if you're a new LinkedIn user or creating a new LinkedIn app.
  • OAuth2: Use this method for older LinkedIn apps and user accounts.

Refer to LinkedIn's Community Management API documentation for more information about the service.

This credential works with API version 202404.

Using Community Management OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Client ID: Generated after you create a new developer app.
  • A Client Secret: Generated after you create a new developer app.

To enable OAuth, you need to create a new developer app.

Use these settings for your app:

  • Enter a LinkedIn Company Page for LinkedIn Page. Refer to Associate an App with a LinkedIn Page for more guidance.
  • Enable APIs for your app, including:
    • Share on LinkedIn
    • Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect

Posting from organization accounts

To post as an organization, you need to put your app through LinkedIn's Community Management App Review process.

Refer to Getting Access to LinkedIn APIs for more information on scopes and permissions.

Using OAuth2#

Note for n8n Cloud users

Cloud users don't need to provide connection details. Select Connect my account to connect through your browser.

All users must select:

  • Organization Support: If turned on, the credential requests permission to post as an organization using the w_organization_social scope.
  • Legacy: If turned on, the credential uses legacy scopes for r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress instead of the newer profile and email scopes.

If you need to configure OAuth2 from scratch, create a new developer app.

Use these settings for your app:

  • Enter a LinkedIn Company Page for LinkedIn Page. Refer to Associate an App with a LinkedIn Page for more guidance.
  • Enable APIs for your app, including:
    • Share on LinkedIn
    • Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect

Refer to Getting Access to LinkedIn APIs for more information on scopes and permissions.