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TheHive credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

TheHive and TheHive 5

n8n provides two nodes for TheHive. Use these credentials with TheHive node for TheHive 3 or TheHive 4. If you're using TheHive5 node, use TheHive 5 credentials.


Install TheHive on your server.

Supported authentication methods#

  • API key

Refer to TheHive 3's API documentation and TheHive 4's API documentation for more information about the services.

Using API key#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An API Key: Create an API key from Organization > Create API Key. Refer to API Authentication for more information.
  • Your URL: The URL of your TheHive server.
  • An API Version: Choose between:
  • Ignore SSL Issues: When turned on, n8n will connect even if SSL certificate validation fails.