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Salesforce credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


  • Create a Salesforce account.
  • Create a connected app in Salesforce. Refer to the authentication method sections below for the app configuration each method requires.

Supported authentication methods#

  • JWT
  • OAuth2

Refer to Salesforce's developer documentation for more information about the service.

Using JWT#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An Environment Type: Choose the option that best describes your environment. Options are Production and Sandbox.
  • A Client ID: The Consumer Key generated when you create a connected app.
  • A Username: Your Salesforce username.
  • A Private Key: Refer to the Salesforce Create a Private Key and Self-Signed Digital Certificate documentation for instructions. Create this private key before you create the connected app.

You'll need to create a connected app in Salesforce for this credential. Follow the instructions in Create a Connected App in Your Org.

Use these settings for your app:

  • Check the box to Use digital signatures.
  • Select Choose File and upload the private key file you created.
  • Add the Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access) scope in the Selected OAuth Scopes section, along with any other scopes you plan to use.
  • Copy the Consumer Key and add it to n8n as the Client ID.
  • Enter the contents of the private key file in n8n as Private Key.
    • Use the multi-line editor in n8n.
    • Enter the private key in standard PEM key format:
      -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

Using OAuth2#

Note for n8n Cloud users

Cloud users don't need to provide connection details. Select Connect my account to connect through your browser.

Cloud and hosted users will need to select your Environment Type. Choose between Production and Sandbox.

If you need to configure OAuth2 from scratch, follow the instructions in Create a Connected App in Your Org.

Use these settings for your app:

  • Add the Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access) scope in the Selected OAuth Scopes section, along with any other scopes you plan to use.
  • Make sure the following settings are unchecked:
    • Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows
    • Require Secret for Web Server Flow
    • Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow
  • In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, select Click to reveal to reveal the consumer secret.
  • Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and add these to the appropriate fields in n8n.