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MQTT credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Install an MQTT broker.

MQTT provides a list of Servers/Brokers at MQTT Software.

Supported authentication methods#

  • Broker connection

Refer to MQTT's documentation for more information about the MQTT protocol.

Refer to your broker provider's documentation for more detailed configuration and details.

Using broker connection#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • Select the broker's Protocol: This helps n8n determine the URL it should use. The Protocol is the start of the URL. Options include:
    • Mqtt: Begin the URL with the standard mqtt: protocol
    • Mqtts: Begin the URL with the secure mqtts: protocol
    • Ws: Begin the URL with the websocket ws: protocol
  • A Host: Enter your broker host.
  • A Port: Enter the port number n8n should use to connect to the broker host.
  • A Username: Enter the username to authenticate to the broker.
  • A Password: Enter that user's password.
  • Select whether to use Clean Session: Turn off to receive QoS 1 and 2 messages while offline.
  • A Client ID: If this field is blank, n8n autogenerates a Client ID for you.
  • Select whether to connect using SSL. If turned on, also enter:
    • Whether to use Passwordless connection with certificates, equivalent to SASL mechanism EXTERNAL. If turned on, also enter:
      • Select whether to Reject Unauthorized Certificate: If turned on, n8n will connect even if the certificate validation fails.
      • Add an SSL Client Certificate.
      • Add an SSL Client Key for the Client Certificate.
    • One or more SSL CA Certificates.