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n8n Form trigger#

Use the n8n Form trigger to start a workflow when a user submits a form, taking the input data from the form. The node generates the form web page for you to use.

Build and test workflows#

While building or testing a workflow, use the Test URL. Using a test URL ensures that you can view the incoming data in the editor UI, which is useful for debugging.

There are two ways to test:

  • Select Test Step. n8n opens the form. When you submit the form, n8n runs the node, but not the rest of the workflow.
  • Select Test Workflow. n8n opens the form. When you submit the form, n8n runs the workflow.

Production workflows#

When your workflow is ready, switch to using the Production URL. You can then activate your workflow, and n8n runs it automatically when a user submits the form.

When working with a production URL, ensure that you have saved and activated the workflow. Data flowing through the Form trigger isn't visible in the editor UI with the production URL.

Node parameters#

These are the main node configuration fields.

Form URLs#

The Form trigger node has two URLs: test URL and production URL. n8n displays the URLs at the top of the node panel. Select Test URL or Production URL to toggle which URL n8n displays.

Screenshot of the form URLs

  • Test: n8n registers a test webhook when you select Test Step or Test Workflow, if the workflow isn't active. When you call the URL, n8n displays the data in the workflow.
  • Production: n8n registers a production webhook when you activate the workflow. When using the production URL, n8n doesn't display the data in the workflow. You can still view workflow data for a production execution: select the Executions tab in the workflow, then select the workflow execution you want to view.

Form Path#

Set a custom slug for the form.

Form Title#

n8n displays the Form Title as the webpage title and main h1 title on the form.

Form Description#

n8n displays the Form Description as a subtitle below the main h1 title on the form.

Form Fields#

Create the question fields for your form. Select Add Form Field to add a new field.

Every field has the following settings:

  • Field Label:
  • Field Type: this can be Date, Dropdown List, Number, Password, Text, or Textarea.
    • If you select Date, n8n includes a date picker in the form.
    • If you select Dropdown List, n8n displays Field Options in the node: use this to add the dropdown options. By default, the dropdown is single-choice. To make it multiple choice, activate the Multiple Choice toggle in Field Options.
  • Required Field: activate this toggle to require users to complete this field on the form.

Respond When#

Choose when n8n sends a response to the form submission. You can respond when:

  • Form Is Submitted: send a response to the user as soon as they submit the form.
  • Workflow Finishes: use this if you want the workflow to complete its execution before you send a response to the user. If the workflow errors, it sends a response to the user telling them there was a problem submitting the form.
  • Using 'Respond to Webhook' Node: the Form trigger node responds as defined in the Respond to Webhook node.

Node options#

Select Add Option to view more configuration options.

  • Form Response: choose how to respond when the user submits the form. Select Respond With > Form Submitted Text to show a message to the user, or Respond With > Redirect URL to send the user to a new page.
  • Append n8n Attribution: toggle this off to hide the Form automated with n8n message on the form.

Templates and examples#

Browse all n8n Form Trigger integration templates, or search all templates