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RabbitMQ credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Install a RabbitMQ broker.

Supported authentication methods#

  • User connection

Refer to RabbitMQ's Connections documentation for more information about the service.

Using user connection#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Hostname: The hostname for the RabbitMQ broker.
  • A Port: The port the connection should use.
  • A User: The user to log in as for the connection. The default is guest. RabbitMQ recommends using a different user in production environments. Refer to Access Control | The Basics for more information. If you're using the guest account with a non-localhost connection, refer to guest user issues below for troubleshooting tips.
  • A Password: The password for the user. The default password for the guest user is guest.
  • A Vhost: Enter the virtual host the connection should use. The default virtual host is /.
  • SSL: Select whether the connection should use SSL. If turned on, also set:
    • Passwordless: Select whether the SSL certificate connection is passwordless or uses SASL mechanism EXTERNAL. If turned on, you'll also need to enter:
      • The Client Certificate: Paste the text of the SSL client certificate to use.
      • The Client Key: Paste the SSL client key to use.
      • The Passphrase: Paste the SSL passphrase to use.
    • CA Certificates: Paste the text of the SSL CA certificates to use.

guest user issues#

If you use the guest user for the credential and you try to access a remote host, you may see a connection error. The RabbitMQ logs show an error like this:

[error] <0.918.0> PLAIN login refused: user 'guest' can only connect via localhost

This happens because RabbitMQ prohibits the default guest user from connecting from remote hosts. It can only connect over the localhost.

To resolve this error, you can:

  • Update the guest user to allow it remote host access.
  • Create or use a different user to connect to the remote host. The guest user is the only user limited by default.

Refer to "guest" user can only connect from localhost for more information.