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Workflows environment variables#

File-based configuration

You can add _FILE to individual variables to provide their configuration in a separate file. Refer to Keeping sensitive data in separate files for more details.

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_ONBOARDING_FLOW_DISABLED Boolean false Whether to disable onboarding tips when creating a new workflow (true) or not (false).
N8N_WORKFLOW_ACTIVATION_BATCH_SIZE Number 1 How many workflows to activate simultaneously during startup.
N8N_WORKFLOW_CALLER_POLICY_DEFAULT_OPTION String workflowsFromSameOwner Which workflows can call a workflow. Options are: any, none, workflowsFromAList, workflowsFromSameOwner. This feature requires Workflow sharing.
N8N_WORKFLOW_TAGS_DISABLED Boolean false Whether to disable workflow tags (true) or enable tags (false).
WORKFLOWS_DEFAULT_NAME String My workflow The default name used for new workflows.