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Task runner environment variables#

File-based configuration

You can add _FILE to individual variables to provide their configuration in a separate file. Refer to Keeping sensitive data in separate files for more details.

Experimental feature

Task runners are currently in public beta testing and might contain undiscovered issues. We don't recommend using them with business critical workflows.

Task runners execute code defined by the Code node.

n8n instance environment variables#

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_RUNNERS_ENABLED Boolean false Are task runners enabled.
N8N_RUNNERS_MODE Enum string: internal, external internal How to launch and run the task runner. internal means n8n will launch a task runner as child process. external means an external orchestrator will launch the task runner.
N8N_RUNNERS_AUTH_TOKEN String Random string Shared secret used by a task runner to authenticate to n8n. Required when using external mode.
N8N_RUNNERS_BROKER_PORT Number 5679 Port the task broker listens on for task runner connections.
N8N_RUNNERS_BROKER_LISTEN_ADDRESS String Address the task broker listens on.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_PAYLOAD Number 1 073 741 824 Maximum payload size in bytes for communication between a task broker and a task runner.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_OLD_SPACE_SIZE String The --max-old-space-size option to use for a task runner (in MB). By default, Node.js will set this based on available memory.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_CONCURRENCY Number 5 The number of concurrent tasks a task runner can execute at a time.
N8N_RUNNERS_TASK_TIMEOUT Number 60 How long (in seconds) a task can take to complete before the task aborts and the runner restarts. Must be greater than 0.
N8N_RUNNERS_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL Number 30 How often (in seconds) the runner must send a heartbeat to the broker, else the task aborts and the runner restarts. Must be greater than 0.

Task runner launcher environment variables#

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_RUNNERS_LAUNCHER_LOG_LEVEL Enum string: debug, info, warn, error info Which log messages to show.
N8N_RUNNERS_AUTH_TOKEN String - Shared secret used to authenticate to n8n.
N8N_RUNNERS_AUTO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT Number 15 The number of seconds to wait before shutting down an idle runner.
N8N_RUNNERS_TASK_BROKER_URI String The URI of the task broker server (n8n instance).
N8N_RUNNERS_LAUNCHER_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT Number 5680 Port for the launcher's health check server.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_PAYLOAD Number 1 073 741 824 Maximum payload size in bytes for communication between a task broker and a task runner.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_CONCURRENCY Number 5 The number of concurrent tasks a task runner can execute at a time.
NODE_OPTIONS String - Options for Node.js.

Task runner environment variables#

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_RUNNERS_GRANT_TOKEN String Random string Token the runner uses to authenticate with the task broker. This is automatically provided by the launcher.
N8N_RUNNERS_AUTO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT Number 15 The number of seconds to wait before shutting down an idle runner.
N8N_RUNNERS_TASK_BROKER_URI String The URI of the task broker server (n8n instance).
N8N_RUNNERS_LAUNCHER_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT Number 5680 Port for the launcher's health check server.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_PAYLOAD Number 1 073 741 824 Maximum payload size in bytes for communication between a task broker and a task runner.
N8N_RUNNERS_MAX_CONCURRENCY Number 5 The number of concurrent tasks a task runner can execute at a time.
NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_BUILTIN String - Permit users to import specific built-in modules in the Code node. Use * to allow all. n8n disables importing modules by default.
NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL String - Permit users to import specific external modules (from n8n/node_modules) in the Code node. n8n disables importing modules by default.
GENERIC_TIMEZONE * America/New_York The same default timezone as configured for the n8n instance.