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Self-hosted AI Starter Kit#

The Self-hosted AI Starter Kit is an open, docker compose template that bootstraps a fully featured Local AI and Low Code development environment.

Curated by n8n, it combines the self-hosted n8n platform with a list of compatible AI products and components to get you started building self-hosted AI workflows.

What’s included#

Self-hosted n8n: Low-code platform with over 400 integrations and advanced AI components.

Ollama: Cross-platform LLM platform to install and run the latest local LLMs.

Qdrant: Open-source, high performance vector store with a comprehensive API.

PostgreSQL: The workhorse of the Data Engineering world, handles large amounts of data safely.

What you can build#

⭐️ AI Agents that can schedule appointments

⭐️ Summaries of company PDFs without leaking data

⭐️ Smarter Slackbots for company communications and IT-ops

⭐️ Private, low-cost analyses of financial documents

Get the kit#

Head to the GitHub repository to clone the repo and get started!

For testing only

n8n designed this kit to help you get started with self-hosted AI workflows. While it’s not fully optimized for production environments, it combines robust components that work well together for proof-of-concept projects. Customize it to meet your needs. Secure and harden it before using in production.