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Local File trigger#

The Local File trigger node starts a workflow when it detects changes on the file system. These changes involve a file or folder getting added, changed or deleted.

Examples and templates

For usage examples and templates to help you get started, refer to n8n's Local File Trigger's integrations page.


You can choose what event to watch for:

Trigger On:

  • Changes to a Specific File: triggers when the specified file changes.
    • File to Watch: the path to the file to watch.
  • Changes Involving a Specific Folder: triggers when a change occurs in the selected folder.
    • Folder to Watch: the path of the folder to watch.
    • Watch for: the type of change to watch for.


Use Options settings to include or exclude files and folders.

  • Include Linked Files/Folders: also watch for changes to linked files or folders.
  • Ignore: files or paths to ignore. n8n tests the whole path, not just the filename. Supports the Anymatch syntax.
  • Max Folder Depth: how deep into the folder structure to watch for changes.

Examples for Ignore#

Ignore a single file:

# For example, **/myfile.txt

Ignore a sub-directory of a directory you're watching:

# For example, **/myDirectory/**

View example workflows and related content on n8n's website.