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Airtable credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes with Airtable.


Create an Airtable account.

Using Access Token#

  1. Open your Airtable Developer Hub.
  2. Under the Personal access tokens section, click on the Create new token button.
  3. Select the following Scopes:
    • data.records:read
    • data.records:write
    • schema.bases:read
  4. Be sure to select the bases this token can Access (or all the bases in the workspace).
  5. Copy the token displayed in the dialog.
  6. In the n8n Airtable credentials dialog select the Access Token connection.
  7. Paste the token in the Access Token field.
  8. Click on the Save button to create the credentials.

Using OAuth 2#

  1. Open your Airtable Developer Hub.
  2. Under the OAuth integrations section, click on the Register new OAuth integration button.
  3. Provide a name for your OAuth integration.
  4. In the n8n Airtable credentials dialog select the OAuth 2 connection, copy the OAuth Redirect URL and paste it in the OAuth redirect URL field in the Airtable Developer Hub.
  5. In Airtable, click on Register integration.
  6. In the following page copy the Client ID and paste it into the Client ID parameter in the n8n Airtable credentials dialog.
  7. Click on Generate client secret and paste the secret into the Client Secret parameter in the n8n Airtable credentials dialog.
  8. Select the following scopes: data.records:read, data.records:write, schema.bases:read and click on Save changes at the bottom.
  9. In the n8n Airtable credentials dialog click on Connect my account.
  10. Follow the instruction in the dialog and select the base you want to work on (or to all the bases).
  11. Click ok Grant access in the dialog to complete the connection.

Using API Key#

API Key deprecation

API Keys will be deprecated by the end of January 2024, see this article for more details. n8n recommends using Personal Access Token instead.