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Use the Compression node to compress and decompress files. Supports Zip and Gzip formats.

Examples and templates

For usage examples and templates to help you get started, refer to n8n's Compression integrations page.

Node parameters#

  • Operation > Compress:
    • Input Binary Field(s): the name of the fields in the input data that contain the binary files you want to compress. To compress more than one file, use a comma-separated list.
    • Output Format: choose from Zip and Gzip.
    • File Name: the name of the zip file you create.
    • Put Output File in Field: set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
  • Operation > Decompress:
    • Put Output File in Field: set the name of the field in the output data to contain the file.
    • Output Prefix: add a prefix to the output file name.