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Send Email#

The Send Email node sends emails using an SMTP email server.


You can find authentication information for this node here.

Node parameters#

Configure this node using the following parameters.

Credential to connect with#

Select or create an SMTP account credential for the node to use.

From Email#

Enter the email address you want to send the email from. You can also include a name using this format: Name Name <>, for example: Nathan Doe <>.

To Email#

Enter the email address you want to send the email to. You can also include a name using this format: Name Name <>, for example: Nathan Doe <>.


Enter the subject line for the email.

Email Format#

Select the format to send the email in. Choose from:

  • Text: Send the email in plain-text format.
  • HTML: Send the email in HTML format.
  • Both: Send the email in both formats. If you choose this option, the email recipient's client will set which format to display.

Node options#

Use these Options to further refine the node's behavior.

Append n8n Attribution#

Set whether to include the phrase This email was sent automatically with n8n at the end of the email (turned on) or not (turned off).


Enter the name of the binary properties that contain data to add as an attachment. Some tips on using this option:

  • Use the Read/Write Files from Disk node or the HTTP Request node to upload the file to your workflow.
  • Add multiple attachments by entering a comma-separated list of binary properties.
  • Reference embedded images or other content within the body of an email message, for example <img src="cid:image_1">.

CC Email#

Enter an email address for the cc: field.

BCC Email#

Enter an email address for the bcc: field.

Ignore SSL Issues#

Set whether n8n should ignore failures with TLS/SSL certificate validation (turned on) or enforce them (turned off).

Reply To#

Enter an email address for the Reply To field.

Templates and examples#

Personalize marketing emails using customer data and AI

by n8n Community

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Send an email

by amudhan

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Track changes of product prices

by sthosstudio

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