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Filter items based on a condition. If the item meets the condition, the Filter node passes it on to the next node in the Filter node output. If the item doesn't meet the condition, the Filter node omits the item from its output.

Examples and templates

For usage examples and templates to help you get started, refer to n8n's Filter integrations list.

Node parameters#

Conditions: create comparison conditions using the fields in Conditions. The available comparison operations vary for each data type. Select Add condition to create another condition.

Combining conditions#

You can choose to keep items:

  • When they meet all conditions: create two or more conditions, then select AND in the dropdown between the first two conditions.
  • When they meet any of the conditions: create two or more conditions, then select OR in the dropdown between the first two conditions.

You can't create a mix of AND and OR rules.

Node options#

  • Ignore Case: whether to ignore letter case.
  • Less Strict Type Validation: enable this if you want n8n to attempt to convert value types based on the operator you choose.

View example workflows and related content on n8n's website.