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Embeddings Google PaLM node#

Use the Embeddings Google PaLM node to generate embeddings for a given text.

On this page, you'll find the node parameters for the Embeddings Google PaLM node, and links to more resources.


You can find authentication information for this node here.

Parameter resolution in sub-nodes

Sub-nodes behave differently to other nodes when processing multiple items using an expression.

Most nodes, including root nodes, take any number of items as input, process these items, and output the results. You can use expressions to refer to input items, and the node resolves the expression for each item in turn. For example, given an input of five name values, the expression {{ $ }} resolves to each name in turn.

In sub-nodes, the expression always resolves to the first item. For example, given an input of five name values, the expression {{ $ }} always resolves to the first name.

Node parameters#

  • Model: Select the model to use to generate the embedding.

n8n dynamically loads models from the Google PaLM API and you'll only see the models available to your account.

Templates and examples#

Ask questions about a PDF using AI

by David Roberts

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Chat with PDF docs using AI (quoting sources)

by David Roberts

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AI Crew to Automate Fundamental Stock Analysis - Q&A Workflow

by Derek Cheung

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Browse Embeddings Google PaLM integration templates, or search all templates

Refer to Langchain's Google PaLM embeddings documentation for more information about the service.

View n8n's Advanced AI documentation.

AI glossary#

  • completion: Completions are the responses generated by a model like GPT.
  • hallucinations: Hallucination in AI is when an LLM (large language model) mistakenly perceives patterns or objects that don't exist.
  • vector database: A vector database stores mathematical representations of information. Use with embeddings and retrievers to create a database that your AI can access when answering questions.
  • vector store: A vector store, or vector database, stores mathematical representations of information. Use with embeddings and retrievers to create a database that your AI can access when answering questions.