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Google Sheets Sheet Within Document operations#

Use this operation to create, update, clear or delete a sheet in a Google spreadsheet from Google Sheets. Refer to Google Sheets for more information on the Google Sheets node itself.

This node can be used as an AI tool

This node can be used to enhance the capabilities of an AI agent. When used in this way, many parameters can be set automatically, or with information directed by AI - find out more in the AI tool parameters documentation.

Append or Update Row#

Use this operation to update an existing row or add a new row at the end of the data if a matching entry isn't found in a sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Append or Update Row.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet that contains the sheet you want to append or update row(s) to.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose a sheet you want to append or update row(s) to.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the sheet title.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Mapping Column Mode:
    • Map Each Column Manually: Enter Values to Send for each column.
    • Map Automatically: n8n looks for incoming data that matches the columns in Google Sheets automatically. In this mode, make sure the incoming data fields are the same as the columns in Google Sheets. (Use an Edit Fields node before this node to change them if required.)
    • Nothing: Don't map any data.


  • Cell Format: Use this option to choose how to format the data in cells. Refer to Google Sheets API | CellFormat for more information.
    • Let Google Sheets format (default): n8n formats text and numbers in the cells according to Google Sheets' default settings.
    • Let n8n format: New cells in your sheet will have the same data types as the input data provided by n8n.
  • Data Location on Sheet: Use this option when you need to specify the data range on your sheet.
    • Header Row: Specify the row index that contains the column headers.
    • First Data Row: Specify the row index where the actual data starts.
  • Handling extra fields in input: When using Mapping Column Mode > Map Automatically, use this option to decide how to handle fields in the input data that don't match any existing columns in the sheet.
    • Insert in New Column(s) (default): Adds new columns for any extra data.
    • Ignore Them: Ignores extra data that don't match the existing columns.
    • Error: Throws an error and stops execution.
  • Use Append: Turn on this option to use the Google API append endpoint for adding new data rows.
    • By default, n8n appends empty rows or columns and then adds the new data. This approach can ensure data alignment but may be less efficient. Using the append endpoint can lead to better performance by minimizing the number of API calls and simplifying the process. But if the existing sheet data has inconsistencies such as gaps or breaks between rows and columns, n8n may add the new data in the wrong place, leading to misalignment issues.
    • Use this option when performance is a priority and the data structure in the sheet is consistent without gaps.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.values.update | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Append Row#

Use this operation to append a new row at the end of the data in a sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Append Row.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet with the sheet you want to append a row to.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose a sheet you want to append a row to.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the sheet title.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Mapping Column Mode:
    • Map Each Column Manually: Select the Column to Match On when finding the rows to update. Enter Values to Send for each column.
    • Map Automatically: n8n looks for incoming data that matches the columns in Google Sheets automatically. In this mode, make sure the incoming data fields are the same as the columns in Google Sheets. (Use an Edit Fields node before this node to change them if required.)
    • Nothing: Don't map any data.


  • Cell Format: Use this option to choose how to format the data in cells. Refer to Google Sheets API | CellFormat for more information.
    • Let Google Sheets format (default): n8n formats text and numbers in the cells according to Google Sheets' default settings.
    • Let n8n format: New cells in your sheet will have the same data types as the input data provided by n8n.
  • Data Location on Sheet: Use this option when you need to specify the data range on your sheet.
    • Header Row: Specify the row index that contains the column headers.
    • First Data Row: Specify the row index where the actual data starts.
  • Handling extra fields in input: When using Mapping Column Mode > Map Automatically, use this option to decide how to handle fields in the input data that don't match any existing columns in the sheet.
    • Insert in New Column(s) (default): Adds new columns for any extra data.
    • Ignore Them: Ignores extra data that don't match the existing columns.
    • Error: Throws an error and stops execution.
  • Use Append: Turn on this option to use the Google API append endpoint for adding new data rows.
    • By default, n8n appends empty rows or columns and then adds the new data. This approach can ensure data alignment but may be less efficient. Using the append endpoint can lead to better performance by minimizing the number of API calls and simplifying the process. But if the existing sheet data has inconsistencies such as gaps or breaks between rows and columns, n8n may add the new data in the wrong place, leading to misalignment issues.
    • Use this option when performance is a priority and the data structure in the sheet is consistent without gaps.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.values.append | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Clear a sheet#

Use this operation to clear all data from a sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Clear.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet with the sheet you want to clear data from.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose a sheet you want to clear data from.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the sheet title.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Clear: Select what data you want cleared from the sheet.
    • Whole Sheet: Clear the entire sheet's data. Turn on Keep First Row to keep the first row of the sheet.
    • Specific Rows: Clear data from specific rows. Also enter:
      • Start Row Number: Enter the first row number you want to clear.
      • Number of Rows to Delete: Enter the number of rows to clear. 1 clears data only the row in the Start Row Number.
    • Specific Columns: Clear data from specific columns. Also enter:
      • Start Column: Enter the first column you want to clear using the letter notation.
      • Number of Columns to Delete: Enter the number of columns to clear. 1 clears data only in the Start Column.
    • Specific Range: Enter the table range to clear data from, in A1 notation.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.values.clear | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Create a new sheet#

Use this operation to create a new sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Create.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet in which you want to create a new sheet.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Title: Enter the title for your new sheet.


  • Hidden: Turn on this option to keep the sheet hidden in the UI.
  • Right To Left: Turn on this option to use RTL sheet instead of an LTR sheet.
  • Sheet ID: Enter the ID of the sheet.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet Index: By default, the new sheet is the last sheet in the spreadsheet. To override this behavior, enter the index you want the new sheet to use. When you add a sheet at a given index, Google increments the indices for all following sheets. Refer to Sheets | SheetProperties documentation for more information.
  • Tab Color: Enter the color as hex code or use the color picker to set the color of the tab in the UI.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Delete a sheet#

Use this operation to permanently delete a sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Delete.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet that contains the sheet you want to delete.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose the sheet you want to delete.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the name of the sheet.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Delete Rows or Columns#

Use this operation to delete rows or columns in a sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Delete Rows or Columns.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet that contains the sheet you want to delete rows or columns from.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose the sheet in which you want to delete rows or columns.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the name of the sheet.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Start Row Number or Start Column: Enter the row number or column letter to start deleting.
  • Number of Rows to Delete or Number of Columns to delete: Enter the number of rows or columns to delete.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Get Row(s)#

Use this operation to read one or more rows from a sheet.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Get Row(s).
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet that contains the sheet you want to get rows from.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose a sheet you want to read rows from.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the name of the sheet.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Filters: By default, the node returns all rows in the sheet. Set filters to return a limited set of results:
    • Column: Select the column in your sheet to search against.
    • Value: Enter a cell value to search for. You can drag input data parameters here. If your filter matches multiple rows, n8n returns the first result. If you want all matching rows:
      1. Under Options, select Add Option > When Filter Has Multiple Matches.
      2. Change When Filter Has Multiple Matches to Return All Matches.


  • Data Location on Sheet: Use this option to specify a data range. By default, n8n will detect the range automatically until the last row in the sheet.
  • Output Formatting: Use this option to choose how n8n formats the data returned by Google Sheets.
  • General Formatting:
    • Values (unformatted) (default): n8n removes currency signs and other special formatting. Data type remains as number.
    • Values (formatted): n8n displays the values as they appear in Google Sheets (for example, retaining commas or currency signs) by converting the data type from number to string.
    • Formulas: n8n returns the formula. It doesn't calculate the formula output. For example, if a cell B2 has the formula =A2, n8n returns B2's value as =A2 (in text). Refer to About date & time values | Google Sheets for more information.
  • Date Formatting: Refer to DateTimeRenderOption | Google Sheets for more information. - Formatted Text (default): As displayed in Google Sheets, which depends on the spreadsheet locale. For example 01/01/2024. - Serial Number: Number of days since December 30th 1899.
  • When Filter Has Multiple Matches: Set to Return All Matches to get multiple matches. By default only the first result gets returned.

First row

n8n treats the first row in a Google Sheet as a heading row, and doesn't return it when reading all rows. If you want to read the first row, use the Options to set Data Location on Sheet.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.

Update Row#

Use this operation to update existing row in a sheet. This operation only updates existing rows. To append rows when a matching entry isn't found in a sheet, use Append or Update Row operation instead.

Enter these parameters:

  • Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Sheets credentials.
  • Resource: Select Sheet Within Document.
  • Operation: Select Update Row.
  • Document: Choose a spreadsheet with the sheet you want to update.
    • Select From list to choose the spreadsheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the spreadsheet, or By ID to enter the spreadsheetId.
    • You can find the spreadsheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Sheet: Choose a sheet you want to update.
    • Select From list to choose the sheet title from the dropdown list, By URL to enter the url of the sheet, By ID to enter the sheetId, or By Name to enter the sheet title.
    • You can find the sheetId in a Google Sheets URL:
  • Mapping Column Mode:
    • Map Each Column Manually: Enter Values to Send for each column.
    • Map Automatically: n8n looks for incoming data that matches the columns in Google Sheets automatically. In this mode, make sure the incoming data fields are the same as the columns in Google Sheets. (Use an Edit Fields node before this node to change them if required.)
    • Nothing: Don't map any data.


  • Cell Format: Use this option to choose how to format the data in cells. Refer to Google Sheets API | CellFormat for more information.
    • Let Google Sheets format (default): n8n formats text and numbers in the cells according to Google Sheets' default settings.
    • Let n8n format: New cells in your sheet will have the same data types as the input data provided by n8n.
  • Data Location on Sheet: Use this option when you need to specify where the data range on your sheet.
    • Header Row: Specify the row index that contains the column headers.
    • First Data Row: Specify the row index where the actual data starts.

Refer to the Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate | Google Sheets API documentation for more information.