Google Calendar Event operations#
Use these operations to create, delete, get, and update events in Google Calendar. Refer to Google Calendar for more information on the Google Calendar node itself.
Use this operation to add an event to a Google Calendar.
Enter these parameters:
- Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Calendar credentials.
- Resource: Select Event.
- Operation: Select Create.
- Calendar: Choose a calendar you want to add an event to. Select From list to choose the title from the dropdown list or By ID to enter a calendar ID.
- Start Time: The start time for the event. By default, uses an expression evaluating to the current time (
{{ $now }}
). - End Time: The end time for the event. By default, this uses an expression evaluating to an hour from now (
{{ $, 'hour') }}
). - Use Default Reminders: Whether to enable default reminders for the event according to the calendar configuration.
- All Day: Whether the event is all day or not.
- Attendees: Attendees to invite to the event.
- Color Name or ID: The color of the event. Choose from the list or specify the ID using an expression.
- Conference Data: Creates a conference link (Hangouts, Meet, etc.) and attaches it to the event.
- Description: A description for the event.
- Guests Can Invite Others: Whether attendees other than the organizer can invite others to the event.
- Guests Can Modify: Whether attendees other than the organizer can modify the event.
- Guests Can See Other Guests: Whether attendees other than the organizer can see who the event's attendees are.
- ID: Opaque identifier of the event.
- Location: Geographic location of the event as free-form text.
- Max Attendees: The maximum number of attendees to include in the response. If there are more than the specified number of attendees, only returns the participant.
- Repeat Frequency: The repetition interval for recurring events.
- Repeat How Many Times?: The number of instances to create for recurring events.
- Repeat Until: The date at which recurring events should stop.
- RRULE: Recurrence rule. When set, ignores the Repeat Frequency, Repeat How Many Times, and Repeat Until parameters.
- Send Updates: Whether to send notifications about the creation of the new event.
- Show Me As: Whether the event blocks time on the calendar.
- Summary: The title of the event.
Refer to the Events: insert | Google Calendar API documentation for more information.
Use this operation to delete an event from a Google Calendar.
Enter these parameters:
- Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Calendar credentials.
- Resource: Select Event.
- Operation: Select Delete.
- Calendar: Choose a calendar you want to delete an event from. Select From list to choose the title from the dropdown list or By ID to enter a calendar ID.
- Event ID: The ID of the event to delete.
- Send Updates: Whether to send notifications about the deletion of the event.
Refer to the Events: delete | Google Calendar API documentation for more information.
Use this operation to retrieve an event from a Google Calendar.
Enter these parameters:
- Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Calendar credentials.
- Resource: Select Event.
- Operation: Select Get.
- Calendar: Choose a calendar you want to get an event from. Select From list to choose the title from the dropdown list or By ID to enter a calendar ID.
- Event ID: The ID of the event to get.
- Max Attendees: The maximum number of attendees to include in the response. If there are more than the specified number of attendees, only returns the participant.
- Return Next Instance of Recurrent Event: Whether to return the next instance of a recurring event instead of the event itself.
- Timezone: The timezone used in the response. By default, uses the n8n timezone.
Refer to the Events: get | Google Calendar API documentation for more information.
Get Many#
Use this operation to retrieve more than one event from a Google Calendar.
Enter these parameters:
- Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Calendar credentials.
- Resource: Select Event.
- Operation: Select Get Many.
- Calendar: Choose a calendar you want to get an event from. Select From list to choose the title from the dropdown list or By ID to enter a calendar ID.
- Return All: Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit.
- Limit: (When "Return All" isn't selected) The maximum number of results to return.
- After: Retrieve events that occur after this time. At least part of the event must be after this time. By default, this uses an expression evaluating to the current time (
{{ $now }}
). Switch the field to "fixed" to select a date from a date widget. - Before: Retrieve events that occur before this time. At least part of the event must be before this time. By default, this uses an expression evaluating to the current time plus a week (
{{ ${ week: 1 }) }}
). Switch the field to "fixed" to select a date from a date widget.
- Fields: Specify the fields to return. By default, returns a set of commonly used fields predefined by Google. Use "*" to return all fields. You can find out more in Google Calendar's documentation on working with partial resources.
- iCalUID: Specifies an event ID (in the iCalendar format) to include in the response.
- Max Attendees: The maximum number of attendees to include in the response. If there are more than the specified number of attendees, only returns the participant.
- Order By: The order to use for the events in the response.
- Query: Free text search terms to find events that match. This searches all fields except for extended properties.
- Recurring Event Handling: What to do for recurring events:
- All Occurrences: Return all instances of the recurring event for the specified time range.
- First Occurrence: Return the first event of a recurring event within the specified time range.
- Next Occurrence: Return the next instance of a recurring event within the specified time range.
- Show Deleted: Whether to include deleted events (with status equal to "cancelled") in the results.
- Show Hidden Invitations: Whether to include hidden invitations in the results.
- Timezone: The timezone used in the response. By default, uses the n8n timezone.
- Updated Min: The lower bounds for an event's last modification time (as an RFC 3339 timestamp)
Refer to the Events: list | Google Calendar API documentation for more information.
Use this operation to update an event in a Google Calendar.
Enter these parameters:
- Credential to connect with: Create or select an existing Google Calendar credentials.
- Resource: Select Event.
- Operation: Select Update.
- Calendar: Choose a calendar you want to add an event to. Select From list to choose the title from the dropdown list or By ID to enter a calendar ID.
- Event ID: The ID of the event to update.
- Modify: For recurring events, choose whether to update the recurring event or a specific instance of the recurring event.
- Use Default Reminders: Whether to enable default reminders for the event according to the calendar configuration.
- Update Fields: The fields of the event to update:
- All Day: Whether the event is all day or not.
- Attendees: Attendees to invite to the event. You can choose to either add attendees or replace the existing attendee list.
- Color Name or ID: The color of the event. Choose from the list or specify the ID using an expression.
- Description: A description for the event.
- End: The end time of the event.
- Guests Can Invite Others: Whether attendees other than the organizer can invite others to the event.
- Guests Can Modify: Whether attendees other than the organizer can make changes to the event.
- Guests Can See Other Guests: Whether attendees other than the organizer can see who the event's attendees are.
- ID: Opaque identifier of the event.
- Location: Geographic location of the event as free-form text.
- Max Attendees: The maximum number of attendees to include in the response. If there are more than the specified number of attendees, only returns the participant.
- Repeat Frequency: The repetition interval for recurring events.
- Repeat How Many Times?: The number of instances to create for recurring events.
- Repeat Until: The date at which recurring events should stop.
- RRULE: Recurrence rule. When set, ignores the Repeat Frequency, Repeat How Many Times, and Repeat Until parameters.
- Send Updates: Whether to send notifications about the creation of the new event.
- Show Me As: Whether the event blocks time on the calendar.
- Start: The start time of the event.
- Summary: The title of the event.
- Visibility: The visibility of the event:
- Confidential: The event is private. This value is provided for compatibility.
- Default: Uses the default visibility for events on the calendar.
- Public: The event is public and the event details are visible to all readers of the calendar.
- Private: The event is private and only event attendees may view event details.
Refer to the Events: update | Google Calendar API documentation for more information.