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Gmail node Thread Operations#

Use the Thread operations to delete, reply to, trash, untrash, add/remove labels, get one, or list threads. Refer to the Gmail node for more information on the Gmail node itself.

Add Label to a thread#

Use this operation to create a new draft.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Add Label.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you want to add the label to.
  • Label Names or IDs: Select the Label names you want to apply or enter an expression to specify IDs. The dropdown populates based on the Credential you selected.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.modify documentation for more information.

Delete a thread#

Use this operation to immediately and permanently delete a thread and all its messages.

Permanent deletion

This operation can't be undone. For recoverable deletions, use the Trash operation instead.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Delete.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you want to delete.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.delete documentation for more information.

Get a thread#

Use this operation to get a single thread.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Get.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you wish to retrieve.
  • Simplify: Choose whether to return a simplified version of the response (turned on) or the raw data (turned off). Default is on.
    • This is the same as setting the format for the API call to metadata, which returns email message IDs, labels, and email headers, including: From, To, CC, BCC, and Subject.

Get thread options#

Use these options to further refine the node's behavior:

  • Return Only Messages: Choose whether to return only thread messages (turned on).

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.get documentation for more information.

Get Many threads#

Use this operation to get two or more threads.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Get Many.
  • Return All: Choose whether the node returns all threads (turned on) or only up to a set limit (turned off).
  • Limit: Enter the maximum number of threads to return. Only used if you've turned off Return All.

Get Many threads filters#

Use these filters to further refine the node's behavior:

  • Include Spam and Trash: Select whether the node should get threads in the Spam and Trash folders (turned on) or not (turned off).
  • Label Names or IDs: Only return threads with the selected labels added to them. Select the Label names you want to apply or enter an expression to specify IDs. The dropdown populates based on the Credential you selected.
  • Search: Enter Gmail search refine filters, like from:, to filter the threads returned. Refer to Refine searches in Gmail for more information.
  • Read Status: Choose whether to receive Unread and read emails, Unread emails only (default), or Read emails only.
  • Received After: Return only those emails received after the specified date and time. Use the date picker to select the day and time or enter an expression to set a date as a string in ISO format or a timestamp in milliseconds. Refer to ISO 8601 for more information on formatting the string.
  • Received Before: Return only those emails received before the specified date and time. Use the date picker to select the day and time or enter an expression to set a date as a string in ISO format or a timestamp in milliseconds. Refer to ISO 8601 for more information on formatting the string.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.list documentation for more information.

Remove label from a thread#

Use this operation to remove a label from a thread.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Remove Label.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you want to remove the label from.
  • Label Names or IDs: Select the Label names you want to remove or enter an expression to specify their IDs. The dropdown populates based on the Credential you selected.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.modify documentation for more information.

Reply to a message#

Use this operation to reply to a message.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Reply.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you want to reply to.
  • Message Snippet or ID: Select the Message you want to reply to or enter an expression to specify its ID. The dropdown populates based on the Credential you selected.
  • Select the Email Type. Choose from Text or HTML.
  • Message: Enter the email message body.

Reply options#

Use these options to further refine the node's behavior:

  • Attachments: Select Add Attachment to add an attachment. Enter the Attachment Field Name (in Input) to identify which field from the input node contains the attachment.
    • For multiple properties, enter a comma-separated list.
  • BCC: Enter one or more email addresses for blind copy recipients. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma, for example,
  • CC: Enter one or more email addresses for carbon copy recipients. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma, for example,
  • Sender Name: Enter the name you want displayed in your recipients' email as the sender.
  • Reply to Sender Only: Choose whether to reply all (turned off) or reply to the sender only (turned on).

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.messages.send documentation for more information.

Trash a thread#

Use this operation to move a thread and all its messages to the trash.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Trash.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you want to move to the trash.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.trash documentation for more information.

Untrash a thread#

Use this operation to recover a thread and all its messages from the trash.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Thread.
  • Operation: Select Untrash.
  • Thread ID: Enter the ID of the thread you want to move to the trash.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.threads.untrash documentation for more information.

Common issues#

For common errors or issues and suggested resolution steps, refer to Common Issues.