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Gmail node Draft Operations#

Use the Draft operations to create, delete, or get a draft or list drafts in Gmail. Refer to the Gmail node for more information on the Gmail node itself.

Create a draft#

Use this operation to create a new draft.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Draft.
  • Operation: Select Create.
  • Subject: Enter the subject line.
  • Select the Email Type. Choose from Text or HTML.
  • Message: Enter the email message body.

Create draft options#

Use these options to further refine the node's behavior:

  • Attachments: Select Add Attachment to add an attachment. Enter the Attachment Field Name (in Input) to identify which field from the input node contains the attachment.
    • For multiple properties, enter a comma-separated list.
  • BCC: Enter one or more email addresses for blind copy recipients. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma, for example,
  • CC: Enter one or more email addresses for carbon copy recipients. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma, for example,
  • From Alias Name or ID: Select an alias to send the draft from. This field populates based on the credential you selected in the parameters.
  • Send Replies To: Enter an email address to set as the reply to address.
  • Thread ID: If you want this draft attached to a thread, enter the ID for that thread.
  • To Email: Enter one or more email addresses for recipients. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma, for example,

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.drafts.create documentation for more information.

Delete a draft#

Use this operation to delete a draft.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Draft.
  • Operation: Select Delete.
  • Draft ID: Enter the ID of the draft you wish to delete.

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.drafts.delete documentation for more information.

Get a draft#

Use this operation to get a single draft.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Draft.
  • Operation: Select Get.
  • Draft ID: Enter the ID of the draft you wish to get information about.

Get draft options#

Use these options to further refine the node's behavior:

  • Attachment Prefix: Enter a prefix for the name of the binary property the node should write any attachments to. n8n adds an index starting with 0 to the prefix. For example, if you enter `attachment_' as the prefix, the first attachment saves to 'attachment_0'.
  • Download Attachments: Select whether the node should download the draft's attachments (turned on) or not (turned off).

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.drafts.get documentation for more information.

Get Many drafts#

Use this operation to get two or more drafts.

Enter these parameters:

  • Select the Credential to connect with or create a new one.
  • Resource: Select Draft.
  • Operation: Select Get Many.
  • Return All: Choose whether the node returns all drafts (turned on) or only up to a set limit (turned off).
  • Limit: Enter the maximum number of drafts to return. Only used if you've turned off Return All.

Get Many drafts options#

Use these options to further refine the node's behavior:

  • Attachment Prefix: Enter a prefix for the name of the binary property the node should write any attachments to. n8n adds an index starting with 0 to the prefix. For example, if you enter `attachment_' as the prefix, the first attachment saves to 'attachment_0'.
  • Download Attachments: Select whether the node should download the draft's attachments (turned on) or not (turned off).
  • Include Spam and Trash: Select whether the node should get drafts in the Spam and Trash folders (turned on) or not (turned off).

Refer to the Gmail API Method: users.drafts.list documentation for more information.

Common issues#

For common errors or issues and suggested resolution steps, refer to Common Issues.