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Gmail node common issues#

Here are some common errors and issues with the Gmail node and steps to resolve or troubleshoot them.

Remove the n8n attribution from sent messages#

If you're using the node to send a message or reply to a message, the node appends this statement to the end of the email:

This email was sent automatically with n8n

To remove this attribution:

  1. In the node's Options section, select Add option.
  2. Select Append n8n attribution.
  3. Turn the toggle off.

Refer to Send options and Reply options for more information.

Forbidden - perhaps check your credentials#

This error displays next to certain dropdowns in the node, like the Label Names or IDs dropdown. The full text looks something like this:

There was a problem loading the parameter options from server: "Forbidden - perhaps check your credentials?"

The error most often displays when you're using a Google Service Account as the credential and the credential doesn't have Impersonate a User turned on.

Refer to Google Service Account: Finish your n8n credential for more information.

401 unauthorized error#

The full text of the error looks like this:

401 - {"error":"unauthorized_client","error_description":"Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested."}

This error occurs when there's an issue with the credential you're using and its scopes or permissions.

To resolve:

  1. For OAuth2 credentials, make sure you've enabled the Gmail API in APIs & Services > Library. Refer to Google OAuth2 Single Service - Enable APIs for more information.
  2. For Service Account credentials:
    1. Enable domain-wide delegation.
    2. Make sure you add the Gmail API as part of the domain-wide delegation configuration.

Bad request - please check your parameters#

This error most often occurs if you enter a Message ID, Thread ID, or Label ID that doesn't exist.

Try a Get operation with the ID to confirm it exists.