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Gmail Trigger node Poll Mode options#

Use the Gmail Trigger node's Poll Time parameter to set how often to trigger the poll. Your Mode selection will add or remove relevant fields.

Poll mode options#

Refer to the sections below for details on using each Mode.

Every Hour mode#

Enter the Minute of the hour to trigger the poll, from 0 to 59.

Every Day mode#

  • Enter the Hour of the day to trigger the poll in 24-hour format, from 0 to 23.
  • Enter the Minute of the hour to trigger the poll, from 0 to 59.

Every Week mode#

  • Enter the Hour of the day to trigger the poll in 24-hour format, from 0 to 23.
  • Enter the Minute of the hour to trigger the poll, from 0 to 59.
  • Select the Weekday to trigger the poll.

Every Month mode#

  • Enter the Hour of the day to trigger the poll in 24-hour format, from 0 to 23.
  • Enter the Minute of the hour to trigger the poll, from 0 to 59.
  • Enter the Day of the Month to trigger the poll, from 0 to 31.

Every X mode#

  • Enter the Value of measurement for how often to trigger the poll in either minutes or hours.
  • Select the Unit for the value. Supported units are Minutes and Hours.

Custom mode#

Enter a custom Cron Expression to trigger the poll. Use these values and ranges:

  • Seconds: 0 - 59
  • Minutes: 0 - 59
  • Hours: 0 - 23
  • Day of Month: 1 - 31
  • Months: 0 - 11 (Jan - Dec)
  • Day of Week: 0 - 6 (Sun - Sat)

To generate a Cron expression, you can use crontab guru. Paste the Cron expression that you generated using crontab guru in the Cron Expression field in n8n.


If you want to trigger your workflow every day at 04:08:30, enter the following in the Cron Expression field.

30 8 4 * * *

If you want to trigger your workflow every day at 04:08, enter the following in the Cron Expression field.

8 4 * * *

Why there are six asterisks in the Cron expression#

The sixth asterisk in the Cron expression represents seconds. Setting this is optional. The node will execute even if you don't set the value for seconds.

* * * * * *
second minute hour day of month month day of week