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Xero credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create a Xero account.

Supported authentication methods#

  • OAuth2

Refer to Zero's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Client ID: Generated when you create a new app for a custom connection.
  • A Client Secret: Generated when you create a new app for a custom connection.

To generate your Client ID and Client Secret, create an OAuth2 custom connection app in your Xero developer portal My Apps.

Use these settings for your app:

Xero App Name

Xero doesn't support app instances within the Xero Developer Centre that contain n8n in their name.

  • Select Web app as the Integration Type.
  • For the Company or Application URL, enter the URL of your n8n server or reverse proxy address. For cloud users, for example, this is:
  • Copy the OAuth Redirect URL from n8n and add it as an OAuth 2.0 redirect URI in your app.
  • Select appropriate scopes for your app. Refer to OAuth2 Scopes for more information.
    • To use all functionality in the Xero node, add the accounting.contacts and accounting.transactions scopes.

Refer to Xero's OAuth Custom Connections documentation for more information.