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Webhook credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


You must use the authentication method required by the app or service you want to query.

Supported authentication methods#

  • Basic auth
  • Header auth
  • JWT auth
  • None

Using basic auth#

Use this generic authentication if your app or service supports basic authentication.

To configure this credential, enter:

  • The Username you use to access the app or service your HTTP Request is targeting
  • The Password that goes with that username

Using header auth#

Use this generic authentication if your app or service supports header authentication.

To configure this credential, enter:

  • The header Name you need to pass to the app or service your HTTP request is targeting
  • The Value for the header

Read more about HTTP headers.

Credential data can vary

The credential data required for header auth credentials depends on the type used. For example, if you need to provide an Authorization: Bearer <token> header, the credential data Name will be Authorization and the Value will be Bearer <token>.

Using JWT auth#

JWT Auth is a method of authentication that uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to digitally sign data. This authentication method uses the JWT credential and can use either a Passphrase or PEM Key as key type. Refer to JWT credential for more information.