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Gong credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Supported authentication methods#

  • API access token
  • OAuth2

Refer to Gong's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using API access token#

To configure this credential, you'll need a Gong account and:

  • An Access Key
  • An Access Key Secret

You can create both of these items on the Gong API Page (you must be a technical administrator in Gong to access this resource).

Refer to Gong's API documentation for more information about authenticating to the service.

Using OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need a Gong account, a Gong developer account and:

  • A Client ID: Generated when you create an Oauth app for Gong.
  • A Client Secret: Generated when you create an Oauth app for Gong.

If you're self-hosting n8n, you'll need to create an app to configure OAuth2. Refer to Gong's OAuth documentation for more information about setting up OAuth2.