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Airtable credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create an Airtable account.

Supported authentication methods#

  • Personal Access Token (PAT)
  • OAuth2

API Key deprecation

n8n used to offer an API key authentication method with Airtable. Airtable fully deprecated these keys as of February 2024. If you were using an Airtable API credential, replace it with an Airtable Personal Access Token or Airtable OAuth2 credential. n8n recommends using Personal Access Token instead.

Refer to Airtable's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using personal access token#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • A Personal Access Token (PAT)

To create your PAT:

  1. Go to the Airtable Builder Hub Personal access tokens page.
  2. Select + Create new token. Airtable opens the Create personal access token page.
  3. Enter a Name for your token, like n8n credential.
  4. Add Scopes to your token. Refer to Airtable's Scopes guide for more information. n8n recommends using these scopes:
    • data.records:read
    • data.records:write
    • schema.bases:read
  5. Select the Access for your token. Choose from a single base, multiple bases (even bases from different workspaces), all of the current and future bases in a workspace you own, or all of the bases from any workspace that you own including bases/workspace added in the future.
  6. Select Create token.
  7. Airtable opens a modal with your token displayed. Copy this token and enter it in your n8n credential as the Access Token.

Refer to Airtable's Find/create PATs documentation for more information.

Using OAuth2#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • An OAuth Redirect URL
  • A Client ID
  • A Client Secret

To generate all this information, register a new Airtable integration:

  1. Open your Airtable Builder Hub OAuth integrations page.
  2. Select the Register new OAuth integration button.
  3. Enter a name for your OAuth integration.
  4. Copy the OAuth Redirect URL from your n8n credential.
  5. Paste that redirect URL in Airtable as the OAuth redirect URL.
  6. Select Register integration.
  7. On the following page, copy the Client ID from Airtable and paste it into the Client ID in your n8n credential.
  8. In Airtable, select Generate client secret.
  9. Copy the client secret and paste it into the Client Secret in your n8n credential.
  10. Select the following scopes in Airtable:
    • data.records:read
    • data.records:write
    • schema.bases:read
  11. Select Save changes in Airtable.
  12. In your n8n credential, select the Connect my account. A Grant access modal opens.
  13. Follow the instructions and select the base you want to work on (or all bases).
  14. Select Grant access to complete the connection.

Refer to the Airtable Register a new integration documentation for steps on registering a new Oauth integration.