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Building community nodes#

Subject to change

The standards described in this document are for the first release of the community nodes repository. These may change in future releases.

Community nodes are npm packages, hosted in the npm registry.

When building a node to submit to the community node repository, use the following resources to make sure your node setup is correct:


To make your node available to the n8n community node repository, you must:

  • Make sure the package name starts with n8n-nodes- or @<scope>/n8n-nodes-. For example, n8n-nodes-weather or @weatherPlugins/n8n-nodes-weather.
  • Include n8n-community-node-package in your package keywords.
  • Make sure that you add your nodes and credentials to the package.json file inside the n8n attribute. Refer to the package.json in the starter node for an example.
  • Check your node using the linter and test it locally to ensure it works.
  • Submit the package to the npm registry. Refer to npm's documentation on Contributing packages to the registry for more information.