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Summarization Chain#

Use the Summarization Chain node to summarize multiple documents.

On this page, you'll find the node parameters for the Summarization Chain node, and links to more resources.

Examples and templates

For usage examples and templates to help you get started, refer to n8n's Summarization Chain integrations page.

Node parameters#

Choose the type of data you need to summarize in Data to Summarize. The data type you choose determines the other node parameters.

  • Use Node Input (JSON) and Use Node Input (Binary): summarize the data coming into the node from the workflow.
    • You can configure the Chunking Strategy: choose what strategy to use to define the data chunk sizes.
      • If you choose Simple (Define Below) you can then set Characters Per Chunk and Chunk Overlap (Characters).
      • Choose Advanced if you want to connect a splitter sub-node that provides more configuration options.
  • Use Document Loader: summarize data provided by a document loader sub-node.

Node Options#

You can configure the summarization method and prompts. Select Add Option > Summarization Method and Prompts.

Options in Summarization Method:

  • Map Reduce: this is the recommended option. Learn more about Map Reduce in the LangChain documentation.
  • Refine: learn more about Refine in the LangChain documentation.
  • Stuff: learn more about Stuff in the LangChain documentation.

You can customize the Individual Summary Prompts and the Final Prompt to Combine. There are examples in the node. You must include the "{text}" placeholder.

View example workflows and related content on n8n's website.

Refer to LangChain's documentation on summarization for more information about the service.

View n8n's Advanced AI documentation.