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Queue mode environment variables#

File-based configuration

You can add _FILE to individual variables to provide their configuration in a separate file. Refer to Keeping sensitive data in separate files for more details.

You can run n8n in different modes depending on your needs. Queue mode provides the best scalability. Refer to Queue mode for more information.

Variable Type Default Description
QUEUE_BULL_PREFIX String - Prefix to use for all queue keys.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_DB Number 0 The Redis database used.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_HOST String localhost The Redis host.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_PORT Number 6379 The Redis port used.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_USERNAME String - The Redis username (needs Redis version 6 or above). Don't define it for Redis < 6 compatibility
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_PASSWORD String - The Redis password.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD Number 10000 The Redis timeout threshold (in ms).
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES String - Expects a comma-separated list of Redis Cluster nodes in the format host:port, for the Redis client to initially connect to. If running in queue mode (EXECUTIONS_MODE = queue), setting this variable will create a Redis Cluster client instead of a Redis client, and n8n will ignore QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_HOST and QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_PORT.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_TLS Boolean false Enable TLS on Redis connections.
QUEUE_RECOVERY_INTERVAL Number 60 Interval (in seconds) for active polling to the queue to recover from Redis crashes. 0 disables recovery. May increase Redis traffic.
QUEUE_WORKER_TIMEOUT (deprecated) Number 30 Deprecated Use N8N_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT instead.

How long should n8n wait (seconds) for running executions before exiting worker process on shutdown.
QUEUE_HEALTH_CHECK_ACTIVE Boolean false Whether to enable health checks (true) or disable (false).
QUEUE_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT Number - The port to serve health checks on.
QUEUE_WORKER_LOCK_DURATION Number 30000 How long (in ms) is the lease period for a worker to work on a message.
QUEUE_WORKER_LOCK_RENEW_TIME Number 15000 How frequently (in ms) should a worker renew the lease time.
QUEUE_WORKER_STALLED_INTERVAL Number 30000 How often should a worker check for stalled jobs (use 0 for never).
QUEUE_WORKER_MAX_STALLED_COUNT Number 1 Maximum amount of times a stalled job will be re-processed.

Multi-main setup#

Refer to Configuring multi-main setup for details.

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_MULTI_MAIN_SETUP_ENABLED Boolean false Whether to enable multi-main setup for queue mode (license required).
N8N_MULTI_MAIN_SETUP_KEY_TTL Number 10 Time to live (in seconds) for leader key in multi-main setup.
N8N_MULTI_MAIN_SETUP_CHECK_INTERVAL Number 3 Interval (in seconds) for leader check in multi-main setup.