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Workflow 3: Monitoring workflow errors#

To accomplish this task, you have to create an Error workflow that monitors the main workflow.

  1. Add an Error Trigger node (and execute it as a test).
  2. To the Error Trigger node, connect a Discord node and configure the fields:

    • Webhook URL: The URL that you received in the email from n8n when you signed up for this course.
    • Text: The workflow {workflow name} failed, with the error message: {execution error message}. Last node executed: {name of the last executed node}. Check this workflow execution here: {execution URL} My Unique ID: {your ID from the course signup email}

      Note that you need to replace the text in curly brackets {} with expressions that take the respective information from the Error Trigger node.

  3. Execute the Discord node.

  4. Set the newly created workflow as Error Workflow for the main workflow.

The workflow should look like this:

Workflow 3 for monitoring workflow errors

Quiz questions

  • What fields does the Error Trigger node return?
  • What information about the execution does the Error Trigger node return?
  • What information about the workflow does the Error Trigger node return?
  • What's the expression to reference the workflow name?