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GitHub credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


Create a GitHub account.

Supported authentication methods#

  • API access token
  • OAuth2

Refer to GitHub's API documentation for more information about the service.

Using API access token#

To configure this credential, you'll need:

  • The URL for a GitHub server:
    • If you are not using GitHub Enterprise Server, keep the URL that n8n has prepopulated.
    • If you're using GitHub Enterprise Server, update this field to match the URL for your server.
  • A User name: Your username as it appears in your GitHub profile
  • An Access Token: n8n recommends using a personal access token (classic), since GitHub's fine-grained personal access tokens are still in beta and cannot access all endpoints. Refer to Creating a personal access token (classic) and Creating a fine-grained personal access token for detailed steps on generating a new access token.

Using OAuth2#

Note for n8n Cloud users

Cloud users don't need to provide connection details. Select Connect my account to connect through your browser.

If you need to configure OAuth2 from scratch or need more detail on what's happening in the OAuth web flow, you'll need to register a new OAuth app. Refer to that documentation for detailed instructions on creating a new app, and refer to the GitHub Authorizing OAuth apps documentation for more information on the authorization process.