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Facebook Lead Ads credentials#

You can use these credentials to authenticate the following nodes:


This integration uses OAuth. Follow the Facebook Lead Ads's documentation to understand how Lead Ads works and how to set up your Facebook App.


  1. Open your Facebook app page in Meta for Developers
  2. Go to Add Product and add Facebook Login
  3. Navigate to Facebook Login > Settings and paste into Valid OAuth Redirect URIs the OAuth Redirect URL that you find in the n8n's Facebook Lead Ads credential.
  4. Switch your App Mode to Live
  5. In App settings > Basic copy the App ID and paste it into Client ID (in the n8n's Facebook Lead Ads credential), and copy the App secret and paste it into Client Secret

You can use the Lead Ads Testing Tool to trigger some demo form submissions and test your workflow.

Refer to Facebook Lead Ads' documentation for more information about the service.

View example workflows and related content on n8n's website.